We’ve seen that something like 60% of online shoppers get their ideas from catalogues first, and that roughly a third of these have the printed catalogue on hand when they go online to make their purchase … so it’s clearly important that how and where to order is included in a very obvious and unmissable way.
What to include
So what should be included? Well, this of course depends on your marketing model – how exactly you want them to order will determine where you want to guide them. If it’s on-line, you’ll include the web site. If it’s by phone, you’ll include the number. If it’s in store, you’ll include the address. And there is still supply and demand for ordering by post, particularly amongst those who haven’t embraced the internet, so once again the ordering address is essential.
Make it bold
You can be creative here too! When we say “call to action” we mean it – don’t just bury the ordering details at the bottom of a page somewhere, make them bold and let them stand out and dominate. You want people to be irrevocably drawn to “how to order” don’t you?
Promotional codes
It’s important, in order to gauge the effectiveness of your catalogue (and other marketing tools) to know where the customer’s interest originated, so do include promotional codes wherever possible, thus identifying the source, and/or similarly use landing pages for your online visitors.
Social Media
Let’s not forget the hugely important role that social media plays, particularly platforms like Facebook, Google + and Twitter. Having a policy, setting up the platforms, and then including their details in your catalogue can encourage customers into a direct dialogue with you … and just think of the potential benefits of being able immediately to thank people for their orders, answer any questions they may have, and respond to them personally.
And on the subject of social media, why not include a “Share on Facebook” option once an order has been placed, and invite comments on a Fan Page? You’ll be surprised at how effective this can be.
To help you create your own catalogue, we’ve produced a handy FREE catalogue design guide with details on the steps you need to take to create your own perfect catalogue.
Calderstone has many years of experience in the design and printing of catalogues and here is a testimonial from a recent client:
Kulbinder Singh, Assystem
A consistently brilliant service from first call right up until delivery of the product/ service. Calderstone goes ‘above and beyond’ to make sure our printing needs are met, they treat me like I am their only client, it’s like having our own ‘in house’ printers. I can’t praise the team enough! Thank you.